Tag Archives: hate

Lupe Fiasco: Hostage of my Record Label

11 Mar


LASERS is in stores NOW

I would love to boycott Altantic Records right now… but I can’t. (Paolo Nutini, Tracy Chapman and Pendulum are still on it :'[ )


First of all how dare they tell Lupe Fiasco to dumb it down. In an in-depth interview with the Chicago Sun Times Lupe talked about all that went down behind the scenes of making the Lasers album, Atlantic freezing his budget, depressions, being a hostage and more. Here’s an excerpt:

“I was specifically told” — Fiasco chuckled — “‘Don’t rap too deep on this record.'” He laughed some more. “That was a specific order from the top. ‘You’re rapping too fast or too slow, or it’s too complex.’ …

There are consequences and combat that comes from that process and the eventual compromise. With me, though, I’m not writing about someone else. I’m writing about me. This is my life. It’s very personal for me. So for somebody to kind of put their fingers in that and play with that, it becomes more damaging.”

“I am a hostage,” Fiasco said. “I gave them what they wanted. If I didn’t, at the end of the day the album wasn’t coming out.”

Earlier in the month Lupe revealed that he still isn’t on good terms with his label, Atlantic Records. I’m not surprised.

Click here to read the full article: http://blogs.suntimes.com/music/2011/03/lupe_fiasco_does_what_hes_told.html

This isn’t the first time, or the last, that Lupe has talked about the struggles he’s faced trying make his 3rd album. In another interview with complex.com he spoke out about his feelings towards the Lasers album. The words ‘I hate it’ were uttered… Just the thought of that alone kills me. The full story’s still up. So take a look!

Lupe Fiasco- Dumb It Down, a message from me via Lupe to Atlantic for the next time they bump their heads!